Edison Park Lutheran Church Ministries
Children, Youth, and Family ministry
EPLC's CYF Ministry is centered on faith and fun! All information regarding classes, updates, and registration are in the "CYF Ministry" tab of this website.
Email Kaya Hougen our Children, Youth and Family Ministry & Digital Coordinator for more information.
Music ministry
Children's Joy Choir on Sundays after the 11am service. Preschool to elementary.
Bell Rehearsal on Tuesdays at 5:00pm
Choir Rehearsal on Tuesday at 6:15pm.
Youth Choir TBD
Email Kevin Zehme for more information.
Are you looking for a way to share your gifts at EPLC but don’t have a lot of time spare? Look no further! Be a Worship Participant! There are many ways to serve as an usher, a lector, altar care team member, communion servers or musicians. Serve at one service per month- it’s simple! Sign up sheets are available at the welcome desk or contact the office if you are interested.
Office email: office@edisonparkchuch.com
Office phone number:
(773) 631-9131
Bible Study
Small group/bible study on Mondays at 10am.
Bible study is currently meeting Mondays at 7:30 pm In-person and on Zoom.
Email Pastor Joe for information on how to join the group.
outreach & serving
Serving others is an important way to share God's love for us. The following outreach events are taking place now:
- The Night Ministry sack suppers
adult ministries
EPLC Book Club
Second Thursday of the month @7:30p in Nordblad Atrium
Mission Quilt Makers
First and Third Fridays of the month
@9:00a in the North Hall